The tourism sector is a crucial component of Tunisia's economy, providing employment to over 400,000 people nationwide. However, it has been severely impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic and other economic challenges. In response, USAID Visit Tunisia Activity has dedicated itself to expediting the recovery of Tunisia's tourism industry and creating a resilient sector. The project's primary objectives are to support SMEs from the private sector, increase employability, expand opportunities for women and youth, and drive investments. If you're interested in discovering more about the project's impactful work throughout Tunisia, read more below!
10 Impact Activities at a Glance!
USAID Visit Tunisia Activity has accomplished several significant milestones since its launch laying the foundation for a sustainable future for Tunisian tourism. Here are the top 10 key activities from our project as of February 2023:
- Strengthened the capacity of 83 federations and associations across Tunisia to accelerate their competitiveness.
- Empowered over 200 professionals nationwide to improve the quality of hotel services.
- Engaged 300 culture-bearers in creating tourism experiences; 30 key experiences will be selected for intensive market readiness and grant support.
- Generated over 14M views on social media and drove more sales to local tourism SMEs through the “Tounes Lik” marketing campaign.
- Began the incubation of 6 festivals to improve future editions; the International Oasis Festival has already increased its visitors by 25% from last year.
- Supplied grants and loans to finance 314 micro and very small enterprises operating in the tourism sector across Tunisia.
- Initiated 1000 more grant and loan packages in support to micro and very small enterprises including a tailor-made coaching program to foster their resilience and growth.
- Supported 4 businesses and entrepreneurs in Tunisia’s sustainable tourism industry with a total fundraising target of $14.6M.
- Selected 9 innovative tourism businesses to receive grants and technical assistance on product development and marketing under the Tourism Innovation Fund.
- Raised awareness of the importance of environmentally focused tourism to over 750 children and people with disabilities.
By 2026, the project aims to increase visitor arrivals by 11.5 million outside of the traditional tourism high season. Additionally, it seeks to increase visitor spending by 20%, enhance tourism arrivals to underserved regions by 20%, and create 15,000 sustainable tourism jobs. These goals are critical to driving sustainable economic growth and job creation across the country, ensuring a more prosperous future for Tunisians.
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Video/photo credits: © USAID and its partners “The Dreamer”, Manel Jouini “Tanwicha”, Mayssa Ferchichi, Fatma Bououn, Raafat Khiari, Tozeur International Oasis Festival, Mouled festival, Jeunes Chambres International (JCI) Kairouan, Montassar Lassoued, Hadhami Yahia.